A lot of 'behind the scenes' work on the Drysdale Festival of Glass is continuing and it's time now to invite anyone and everyone who would like to help make the Festival a success to get involved!
There is a wide range of ways you can become involved.
- Perhaps you'd like to be part of the organising group - for example, running the finances, organising publicity, arranging for stalls, organising an exhibition or running a competition.
- Or maybe you'd like to just participate in the Festival on the day itself. For example, would you like to run a stall, judge a competition, give lessons or presenting a display?
There are all sorts of jobs involved in organising a Festival like this, so if you'd like to get involved but you're not sure what you'd like to do, or what you'd be good at, don't worry - you'll find a place!
DCSCA invites anyone interested - in any way - in the Drysdale Festival of Glass to come to a meeting to set-up a group to organise the Festival:
TUESDAY 16 MARCH 7.00 p.m.
We understand that this time won't be convenient for everyone, so if you can't come to the meeting, but want to be involved, do please contact us:
By mail: P.O. Box 581, Drysdale 3222
By e-mail: dryclift@bigpond.com
We look forward to seeing you on the night or to hearing from you; and do please tell your friends and neighbours about the Festival and about the meeting on 16 March.
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