DCSCA has been a major campaigner for the Drysdale Bypass, but we are concerned that
the current proposal by Vic Roads is fundamentally flawed. The proposal -
"Option 3a" - involves blocking off Jetty Road and building two
signalized intersections and one roundabout.
We believe that this will create a congested, unsafe,
inefficient and unattractive bottleneck where none existed previously. Virtually
all of the traffic entering or exiting Drysdale & Clifton Springs will have
to pass through the section of High Street between Reserve Road and the bypass
and the two associated signalized intersections. Therefore, when a crash occurs, it will virtually paralyse the
traffic flow into and out of Drysdale and Clifton Springs and compromise the
operation of emergency services vehicles. Further, the bottleneck includes an
excessively high number of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-pedestrian
conflicts points that could result in serious injury. It will create an
unbalanced and inefficient traffic flow and increased travel times. Finally,
the bottleneck will encroach into and spoil
the ambience of Lake Lorne Reserve and adjacent properties.
VicRoads Consolidated Options Report shows that option
11 (twin 2-lane roundabouts) which maintains the current separation between
Jetty Road and High Street traffic, not only provides significantly more
efficient traffic flow for Drysdale Clifton Springs residents (delays are
reduced from in excess of 60 seconds to less than 10 seconds) but provides
reduced delays for all routes compared to option 3a.
DCSCA has requested the
Victorian Ombudsman’s assistance in this matter.